The figure itself is more 1/35th scale rather than 54mm. The head is from Hornet and the "rifle" is a Wolf conversion. The trigger guard was a bear to make. Made of sheet lead, it was tough to manipulate because of the guards unique shape.
I originally planned to have this figure posed lying down firing over a stump but decided he really should be shown upright. I wanted to place him in a wooded environment so I combed through my stash and found a stump by Armand Bayardi. The stump was tad small for what I wanted so I added about an inch and a half. To add the extra length I drilled a hole in the center of the casting and used paper clip wire as an armatrue. Applied putty to the armature and sculpted the bark using a knife and toothpick. The whole process was much quicker and easier than I thought.
Thanks a ton again to Gary Dombrowski for his help.