Tuesday, May 1, 2007

More weathering...

I went back and painted a darker color to the boots and gaiters and then added a thin wash of gloss to give it a more wet/muddy look.


Gary Dombrowski said...

Jason, I like the additional work you've done. When you have a figure that is dirty and or wet the effects it will have on the clothing and equipment need to be taken into account. I think a lot of folks under represnt this. Giving figures that campaign look is probably not as easy as it sounds or looks, which is why it's probably done sparingly or not done at all.~Gary

Jason said...

I agree. It's tough to get a weathered worn look on a figure. I'm still reluctant to weather certain figures. Such as the Brunswick Grenadier I painted recently. After spending an entire day (5 plus hours) just on the pin stripe/ticking,I was afraid to spoil something like that with blotches of dirt stains and a chance of over doing it.

French v. Bits & Allies Part 3

 Being fairly new to this rule set, I am noticing quickly,  just how fast units can get used up. Even pulling units  out of line and rallyin...