Monday, March 3, 2008

Veteran Continentals, 1781

My latest vignette depicts veteran Continental infantrymen during the later part of the American Revolution. Two of the soldiers wear the popular and
practical "hunting" shirt. Their weapons & gear is a variety of foreign import and American made. The muskets, for example, are the model 1766, French Charleville. By the close of the war, most soldiers in the Continental Army were armed with this weapon. The central figure carries a tin cartridge canister. These were issued to overcome a shortage of leather boxes.

The officer, trying to retain a more military appearance, wears a uniform coat which was made up at his expense.

The figures were sculpted with Aves. Heads are from the 1/32 scale Hornet line. The muskets are Shenandoah conversions.

A big thanks goes to Gary Dombrowski for his help with uniform and gear information.


Gary Dombrowski said...

WOW! That is just awesome pard! When I saw the background color to your blog change the other day I figured something new was going to follow. I love it. I really like the variety worked into all the figures, especially the soldiers. Two different canteens, knapsacks, and cartridge boxes. Just too cool. ~Gary

Anonymous said...

Hello Jason,

I recently discovered your site and i am very impressed of your figures. I recently began sculpting 1:35 scale figures myself and learn alot of what you've been showing here. I think your last piece is great and represents your own unique style.

Kind regards,
Robert Jan
The Netherlands

Jason said...

Thanks guys! Gary, I knew you'd like to see the different "garb". Thanks again with the help.

Robert, thanks for visiting my blog. I really appreciate the kind words.

Pete said...

Jason, nice work! Did you convert the Charelville's or are they stock? Keep the Rev War stuff coming!


WendyRaf said...

I'll echo Gary's "WOW!" This came out really nice. Can't wait to see it in the flesh. :D

Jason said...

Thanks Wendy! See you at MFCA.

Thanks Pete! The muskets are Shenandoah ACW Springfields.
Just changed the lock plates and
added the distinct top barrel band.

Happy New Year!

Aside from my five year hiatus from blogging, I thought I'd start it up again with documenting some miniature wargaming. I am experiment...