As many know, Gary Dombrowski is not only a talented sculptor but a gifted 2-D artist. A couple months ago, I received a pleasant suprise in the mail. It was Gary's study of a Hessian jaeger he based on my original sculpture. No words could express my joy on receiving such a generous gift. This felt better than being given any award, at any show.
Like figures, seeing an original 2-D painting in the flesh is MUCH better than viewing through pictures. Gary put countless hours into this 5X7 painting. And aside from his generous heart it made me wonder if "true" artist feel no real ownership in their work. But it's really about enjoying what you do and feeling that intoxicating rush of creation. Either way, I couldn't ask for a better friend in the hobby. Thanks pard.
It now hangs above my painting table, next to a favorite of mine, Winslow Homer's "The Briarwood pipe".