Monday, May 30, 2011

French Cavalry Officer, Thirty-Years War

This was a second attempt in painting a dapple grey in oils. The last was in the late 90's! The figure and equipment are painted with acrylics.

The horse is from Historex and the figure is original. The head of the figure is from Historex with moustache and goatee added. The saddle is scratch as well as the officers sword. There some conversion work on the lobster/Ironside helmet. It's the same one I used in the ECW project I just finished. Going by the reference I had, the dome is fluted with nose guard through visor and feathers added to the top.

Thanks for looking.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

French Grenadier, Soissonois Regiment, 1781

Another winter project. I must have used every shade, from cold to warm, off white color Vallejo has to offer with alot of mixing between them. I really liked how this one turned out, I just wish I would have wrote down the mixes I used for the white uniform.

The only point in posting a couple in-progress pictures is to simply show how I posed the armature and material used in creating the sculpture. If someone takes something from them, all the better.

Thanks for looking.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hessian Drummer, 1777

Over the next week or so I'll be posting the work I had for my MFCA display. For those not familiar with my work, all my original pieces are 54mm.

The figure here is a Hessian drummer during the American Revolution. I believe this is the third Hessian I've painted with ticking/striped overalls. The putty I use is Aves and Kneadatite. The head is a commercial piece and the torso are castings that a buddy gave me.

The drum is scratch-built. The past few drums I have built have been scratch and are getting a bit easier everytime. In the future, I'll do an SBS on how I model a drum.

Thanks for looking.

Monday, May 9, 2011

English Civil War Vignette-Painted

Here's the vignette painted. Most was painted with acrylics with oils here and there. The grass is unravelled jute twine painted in various colors.

The helmet shell casting on the "Ironside" was sculpted or modeled by either John Long or Anders Heintz. Sorry guys. The sword is scratch-built and was copied from a few examples.

Thanks for looking.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

English Civil War Vignette

Here's one of several projects I had going over the winter. Sorry for not posting in "real" time, I've just been plain lazy.

The scene is taken from an illustration I saw in a book on the history of cavalry. It depicts a Parliamentarian "Ironside" riding down on two Royalist officers. As you can see, there's some artistic license in the composition.

This project, I will have to say, was the toughest to compose of any project of mine to date (yes, even the Guilford project). To get the pieces to gell together took many hours of manipulating and much observation.

I'll post the painted version in the next day or so.

French v. Bits & Allies Part 3

 Being fairly new to this rule set, I am noticing quickly,  just how fast units can get used up. Even pulling units  out of line and rallyin...