Saturday, April 14, 2012

505th PIR 82nd AIRBORNE painted!

This figure was a blast to paint. Having never painted a figure in black and white, it was really refreshing to do a subject out of my norm. I used almost every shade of grey in my stock of acrylics on this one, from drab warm greys to cold bluish tones. I'll post more pics once the dust settles on my current project. Thanks for visiting.


Gary Dombrowski said...

AWESOME paintjob pard. It's like painting a 3D black and white photograph. ~Gary

Gary Dombrowski said...

AWESOME paintjob pard. It's like painting a black and white photograph in 3D. ~Gary

Jason said...

Thanks Gary!

Dave Y said...

A really fantastic piece of work Jason - I love it!!!!

Dave Y said...

A really fantastic piece of work Jason - I love it!!!!

French v. Brits & Allies Part: Dispositions 2

 Starting from the Allied left. One independent cavalry unit from the Kings German Legion. A Brunswick infantry battalion with a Brunswick j...