Saturday, March 2, 2013

APG 2013 Auction Piece Painted!

Here's my piece that will be donated to the Artist Preservation Group auction being held at the MFCA show this coming May. If you recall, this is mainly a Historex conversion. The only scratch-built items are the arms. The torso, legs(slight alteration) and head(Nemrod) are stock pieces. It was a quick build and a good workout with "whites". I really like how this one turned out and I hope it does well for the APG's efforts.


Gary Dombrowski said...

Great job both on the sculpting and painting.

Jason said...

Thanks Gary! I hope it makes a dollar or two.

French v. Bits & Allies Part 3

 Being fairly new to this rule set, I am noticing quickly,  just how fast units can get used up. Even pulling units  out of line and rallyin...