Sunday, January 19, 2025

Another game of Honours of War

 This is a repeat of the last game, but this time the field works on the Russo-Austrian positions were taken out of this scenario.

The French unfortunately and uncharacteristically, rolled two "Dithering" leadership qualities. One for the brigade commander of cavalry on the left flank and the infantry brigade on the right. Needless to say the army commander was busy to upgrade a notch during the activation phases.

The French drove onto the Russian occupied  hills hard and suffered horrendous losses. The cavalry on left, despite poor leadership,  had no problem defeating the Russian cavalry, thus adding to the threat of the Russian right flank for the remainder of the game.

The same result happened on the Russo-Austrian left. Their cavalry destroyed and driven away with the infantry center collapsed.  The game was really a tit for tat engagement.  Both sides really could not claim victory. With the scenario calling for a "Last Stand ", it was oddly the result for both antagonist. It just became a fight to the last unit standing. Which became rather ridiculous towards the end. This being my fourth game, its pretty clear that units can get eaten up rather quickly.  Pulling units out of line to rally off "hits" can become a never ending chore. I'll continue to play this rule system because it has promise. To be honest, I played the units fairly vanilla.  This rule system require various troop quantity types and clear objectives to scratch the itch and make the game engaging.

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French v. Bits & Allies Part 3

 Being fairly new to this rule set, I am noticing quickly,  just how fast units can get used up. Even pulling units  out of line and rallyin...