Saturday, April 25, 2020

Day 8 of the self-imposed art, model , craft challenge.

Not a lot of progress today. Mostly cleaning and organizing my workspace, taking it easy. I dont want to burn out, I'm only half way through! The "plowed field" scatter terrain piece looks pretty good for the game table. The rocks I made some time ago. They're made of aluminum foil, crumpled up and lightly hammered into shape. Painted with grey mixed with Mod Podge. Hopefully, a little more active tomorrow.


Gary Dombrowski said...

I love the plowed field and rocks. A little creativity easily (and cheaply) bought materials can make you some nice terrain.

Jason said...

The rocks look a lot better on the table. Yeah, cheap way to add texture to the environment.

French v. Brits & Allies Part: Dispositions 2

 Starting from the Allied left. One independent cavalry unit from the Kings German Legion. A Brunswick infantry battalion with a Brunswick j...