Sunday, January 3, 2010

"A Cruel Misfortune" Part 8

Happy New Year! Here's the latest. Crown Prince Frederick fits snug to the horse and is itching to be painted. His right hand will be holding a sword in salutation. This has to sculpted to the sword and the fingers articulated to make a convincing grip. Thanks for following.

Stay tuned.


Gary Dombrowski said...

Jason, Awesome figure. You really have the look of the uniforms for that period down cold. Great stuff part. ~Gary

Jim Johnston said...

Jason, I don't know how you seem to do it so fast but you do it well. This is a great grouping of figures and I am enjoying watching your progress. Fantastic. ~Jim

Jason said...

Thanks guys! I appreciate it.

Jim, actually, I feel I've been going slow:) I try to work atleast a couple hours a day, more on the weekends. The month of December is rough on me so there were several days that I did nothing. It was frustratinig, but I don't want it to looked rushed.

Another game of Honours of War

 This is a repeat of the last game, but this time the field works on the Russo-Austrian positions were taken out of this scenario. The Frenc...