Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hussar, Volontaires etrangers de la Marine, 1781

Horse marines! I just finished painting up this colorful fella, just in time for the Chicago show.
He's a French Hussar, part of a detachment sent to America during the Revolutionary War.

These were mostly German-speaking volunteers, raised by the ministry of the navy for service overseas. The 1st Legion was sent to the West Indies, the 2nd (Lauzen's) sent to the United States; the 3rd served in India. The hussars of the legions
wore sky-blue dolmans, yellow breeches and white braid.

Except for the head (Hornet) he's scratch-built. The sword is brass etched, one side had a blood groove which had to be filled in and then sanded. Painted in acrylics.


Gary Dombrowski said...

Jason, Great job on the figure. You are a figure making machine.~Gary

Anonymous said...

Hello Jason,

don't you have a job anymore?...

Great figure.... again!


Jason said...

Thanks Gary and Robert Jan! Actually I was working on this one along with the 1812 guy. I don't usually work on two projects at once. Both these figures took a month to do. I'm just slow taking pics, thats why there's been such a "flood" of postings lately.


French v. Bits & Allies Part 3

 Being fairly new to this rule set, I am noticing quickly,  just how fast units can get used up. Even pulling units  out of line and rallyin...