Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Otto Dix's "Krieg", Part 1

I covered the base with "Cling Wrap" and painters tape. Cutting a perfect circle was a bit tedious.

Then I "blocked" in the base using foam board.

The gas-masked, blanket covered soldier was slowly built up with putty to allow proper curing.


Anonymous said...

Hoi Jason,

Nice start.
Marijn van Gils from belgium, did also something like this with the Guernica painting:

Robert Jan

WendyRaf said...

It's interesting watching it progress. What did you use for the bottom of the gas mask?

Jason said...

Thanks Robert Jan.

Wendy, the mask cannister is the head of a German potato masher (grenade).

Radek Pituch said...

Hi Jason
I must say that it's a great idea creating a vignette based on that gloomy painting.
I like your works very much, they are always very inspiring.
Looking forward to see more progress.
Best regards

Jason said...

Thanks Radek for the kind words.

Daniel R. Morton said...

What a great idea, Jason! I'll be very interested in your progress. All the best,

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