Thursday, October 23, 2008

Otto Dix's "Krieg", Part 2

Here's the finished "shrouded" figure after many layers of putty.

The corrugated sheet metal was fairly easy to make. The pictures pretty much show all. As I could not find any pre-made sheet metal on the vendor stands at the Chicago show, I tried this fairly simple technique.


Anonymous said...

Hello Jason,

Your figure represents the figure on the painting very well.

It is always difficult to copy something from 2D into 3D. In 2D you have just one direction to view. In 3D you can view at all angles so it is more challenging to hold the viewers attention and to show what you want. You can't direct or manipulate the viewers eye....

Keep on the good work!


WendyRaf said...

You're really steaming along on this guy! The corrugated metal came out great. I'll have to remember that little trick. :)

Gary Dombrowski said...

Jason, Great sbs. They are not easy to do and can slow the process a bit, so thanks for having the patience to do it. You might be interested in this video on Youtube I found by accident. The soundtrack really adds to Dix's visions of war.~G

Radek Pituch said...

Hey Jason,
Coming along nicely. The blanket looks very cool.
Good idea with that corrugated sheet metal. Didn't think of making it that way.
By the way, I didn't know Dix's paintings, so thanks for raising my interest in his work. Definetly my ambience...


Jason said...

RJ, your right my friend, it's very difficult to build a 3-D from 2-D. Even doing single figures from studies has it's problems.

Wendy, yeah it was pretty easy to do. Saved some money too.

Gary, it gave me chills for that full 4 minutes! Thanks for the link pard.

Radek, I had a peek at your gallery and yes I see similiar styles. Keep up the great work!

French v. Bits & Allies Part 3

 Being fairly new to this rule set, I am noticing quickly,  just how fast units can get used up. Even pulling units  out of line and rallyin...