Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Trooper, Lauzun's Legion

This figure was inspired by a Don Troiani study. The horse is from Historex and the head from Hornet.
After tackling this project it's no wonder I don't do more mounted subjects. I was feeling burn-out big time throughout this project but I was determined to finish it.
I envy modeler's that have several projects on hand and go from to the other so as to not feel "burn-out".
Now that it's done I may take a little break. I do have a couple projects in mind. One is a Napoleonic subject the other a large battle vignette from the American Revolution. More details later...


Gary Dombrowski said...

Jason, That is freakin gorgeous. With the amount of work you produce take a month off! I'm sure whatever is next will be just as well done.I would not mind hearing about the Revolutionary war project.~Gary

WendyRaf said...

Burned out or not, he looks great! Good animation to him and I love how you've painted the face.

Nothing like seeing other's works to get the inspirational juices flowing. :) (Plus, I finally received "Animals in Motion" book I've been waiting for.)

Rev War sounds interesting, but then Napoleonic figs are fun too. Let us know.

Jason said...

Thanks! Well, I may take a couple days off:) I start getting the itch after awhile.
As for the Rev War project it's inspired by Mr.T's "Cowpens". I'm thinking 8-10 figs. Instead of Lt.Colonel Howard slashing down a Brit, I may use him as background urging on his men. The composition of the Continentals(5-6 figs) will be tight and at a charge bayonet position with 2-3 downed Brits for the forground.
Hey Gary, If you have pic's of Rev War soldiers with buttoned up coats I would appreciate seeing them.
Wendy, see you in January:)

Gary Dombrowski said...

Jason, Here's a challange for you. Tarleton's Britsih Legion got into a scrape with Lauzun's during the Yorktown campaign. What a neat dio/vignette that would be. Sorry, guess it would give me another chance to see 2-3 well constructed hussars squaring off with a few of "Banny's" men. I really think you did a super job here and just thought of a way to get more milage out of a color subject.lol. ~Gary

Jason said...

Yeah, that would make a cool vignette! It would take someone alot more ambitious than I at this point...I tell ya, that figure was a work out!

I will tell you, if I were to do a mounted vignette now, it would probably be of the Marlborough period or from the English CW(been watching the movie "Cromwell" and has me a bit inspired;).

Matt Springer said...

Really nice stuff as always, Jason. You've got skills man!

French v. Bits & Allies Part 3

 Being fairly new to this rule set, I am noticing quickly,  just how fast units can get used up. Even pulling units  out of line and rallyin...