The head, from Mig, had character but not enough for what I wanted so I decided to add features I thought "looked" Scottish. I like the tough guy chin
and stiff lip, goofy ears with some bushy eyebrows. I wanted features that resembled a couple of my favorite British film actors, Jack Watson and Harry Andrews.
I wanted the painting simple. The tartan is generic as is the jacket and diced cap. The fleshtones I wanted muted, not too much highlight or shadow but cartoonish.
Hello jason,
Again a very nice and original figure.
I like the "clean" colors you used.
The colors makes it stand out like a caricature.
I like to see what you did on the face. i want to try that myself someday...
all the best1
Robert Jan
Jason, Great face. These have to be a fun departure from the more serious projects. ~Gary
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