This soldier is from the 16th Regiment of Infantry were issued a black coatee in typical cut for infantry of the period. I wasn't sure about the green trousers as I could not find more documentation to support the illustration. The unuasual colors is what drew to the subject anyway so I went and painted it likewise.
The head is from Hornet and the musket is a Shenandoah conversion. Everything painted with acrylics.
Sorry for the poor pics. "Black" is a unforgiving color.
Hello Jason,
A great subject again.
I like the way how you painted his face. It gives him a lot of character. The way you painted it now looks to differ from your previous figures. More shadows and highlighting?
all the best,
Robert Jan
Hi Robert Jan,
Thanks! Yes, I'm adding a little more contrast to the faces. I also used a different lighting set up when I took these pics.
I'll try to get better pics later.
Jason, Awesome job on the figure. Again, you're nailing that period look. I thought I had sent you somw 1812 stuff. If not let me know. again, what a cool fig. ~Gary
Thanks Gary! Yeah, I have some 1812 stuff. Couple Osprey and some stuff you sent me. I'd like to do more subjects from that period.
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